Sunday, June 9, 2013

First canoe of the year, 5-31-13

Got the canoe out today for the first time since last year! Figured it was Friday afternoon, over 90 degrees and nothing sounded better than getting on the river and swimming in that icy water (we don't have central AC at home sadly and our window air conditioners are not in yet :( boooo.) Since I get out of work at noon on Fridays and the husband is currently an unemployed student, we got out on the river around 3:00 or so and for our first probably two hours, we only saw ONE other person. It was heavenly!

We went to our favorite close-by on the Ipswich River and paddled to our favorite spot to hang out, Perkins Island. I'm not currently an Audubon member so we haven't camped there yet, but there are camp sites for members that I do want to check out sometime. We usually just pull over, have lunch and sit for a while. We spent a little extra time swimming (well, I swam, husband went in to his knees, lol) and just enjoyed the woods, water and being in the middle of nowhere all alone. It was beautiful and sunny, the water was calm, it was hot enough to swim; it was just overall a glorious day to be on the river.

I forgot to bring a camera so all we had was our ipods for photos, but I still got a few good ones. Of course I missed all the wildlife we saw - herons, beavers, otters, but the husband caught a few fish totally randomly as we got back to the car!

Super happy we've started canoeing already this year; we only took it out maybe twice last year, and since it's a fun, free thing to do (minus gas money) I want to do it a lot this year and try out some new places. It's that time of year where it's light out so late that we stayed on the river until 6:45 or so and it was so lovely. Hoping to get out again soon!

1 comment:

  1. I'm happy we've started canoeing already this year.
    The weather cleared out early and that's always a bless.
    Nice post Squeeky..
